TSI uses the Everyday Lives Philosophy to provide services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. We work in partnership with individuals and others who are important to them, to make it possible for individuals to have a life in the community among family and friends. We will work to foster respectful, trusting and satisfying relationships. We will respect the right to choose the services and supports they need and want to enable them to have a living environment which is decent, safe and permanent.
Everyday Lives Core Values/Principles
- Choice - in the decision of life; choice of jobs, friends, recreation, where and with whom to live
- Control - of relationships, money, transportation, services, medicine and staff
- Permanency - with a life in the community among family and friends; no fear of returning to the institution
- Security - and protection for those who have difficulty in communication; competent services; and safety in the community
- Freedom - of movement, and from stigma
- Prosperity - freedom from poverty and a chance to be successful
- Individuality - by having a name and a personal history and by making a difference; having dignity and status
- Relationships - with friends, family and partners
- Recognition - of abilities, capacities and gifts
- Privacy - of records, files and histories; protection from being labeled and the option of living alone
- Citizenship - as part of the community, having a feeling of connectedness, partnership in dreams and beliefs; playing a part in decisions which affect you
- Passion - in advocates and self-advocates to fight and dream together