Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

Permanent Supportive Housing is funded through a grant funded through the Allegheny County Office of Behavioral Health and Community Care Behavioral Health Office.

TSI Permanent Supportive Housing Program Video

TSI administers the PSH program funded by a grant through the Allegheny County Office of Behavioral Health and Community Care Health Office. This subsidized program provides financial assistance on a time-limited basis, while individuals are waiting for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher. Support services are optional.

Candidates for PSH must meet HUD income guidelines. Rent and utility costs are set per HUD formula but will not exceed 30% of income. Housing is affordable, safe and secure in a community of the individual's choice. Housing is permanent, with continued occupancy as long as individuals pays rent and follows the lease agreement.

Housing supports are offered to assist with locating housing and maintaining tenancy. The goal of PSH is to receive a permanent subsidy from Section 8 or HUD-subsidized housing.

Our Model

Housing Support Team provides the supports and skill development needed to help individuals choose, secure and maintain housing.

Bridge Subsidy Program provides rent subsidy for Section 8-eligible individuals who are waiting to receive vouchers. Program entry is determined upon being accepted on the Section 8 waiting list and landlord agreement to accept Section 8 vouchers.

Interested individuals can complete the PSH Referral Form and submit to the Clearinghouse Manager at the contact information listed below. For more information, contact the Clearinghouse Manager at 412-462-1524 ext. 2517. Walk-in referrals and appointments are not available.

Email: dcook [at]


Transitional Services, Inc.
Attention: Clearinghouse Manager
806 West Street
Homestead, PA 15120
Fax: 412-462-1528

PDF icon PSH Referral Form395.23 KB

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